Tenancy Security Deposit

You’ve made the ideal investment and have furnished your rental property. You’ve checked the references of your soon-to-be tenant. But you also want to take a security deposit to protect yourself from any damages down the line. Here’s the lowdown on what you need to know.

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Tenancy Contract Types

In an ideal world, no landlord would ever have to end a tenancy early. Unfortunately, however, we don’t live in an ideal world, and as a result, ending tenancies early is something that both landlords and tenants have to be prepared for. Given that it happens so often and for so many reasons, there’s a lot of confusion out there when it comes to what the specific precedent needs to be in order to comply with UK law. A single Google search throws up thousands upon thousands of results, meaning that for landlords and tenants both, the topic can be overwhelming at times.

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