In this section, you can sign any external document prepared outside of Rentila.
This service is offered in partnership with oodrive Sign.
To sign a document, follow these simple steps: Go to the “My Documents”, “Electronic Signature” section, and then click on “New Signature”.
For each document, you can enter the following information:
- The description of the document
- The type of document
- The landlord
- The signatories (tenants, guarantors, others…)
- The documents (you can add one or more documents which will be grouped into a single document)
The accepted file formats are: Word, Excel, PDF, Open Office, Images (JPG, PNG). Documents must not be protected.
Here is a guide in a few simple steps for the electronic signature process on Rentila.
Before starting, ensure you have correctly entered the email addresses and mobile phone numbers of all signatories.
- The landlord must create the signature procedure, enter the signatories and documents to be signed.
- The landlord will then be invited to pay for the signature procedure to validate it.
- An email invitation is sent to all signatories.
- The landlord can sign on their side. A window opens for them to draw their signature and/or enter the verification code received by SMS.
- The other signatories have the option to click on the invitation link to sign on their side. They must confirm that they have read the contract, draw their signature and/or enter the verification code received by SMS.
Once the document is signed, it is closed and locked. The landlord and the tenants can download it in PDF format.
A copy of the document is also saved in the “My Documents” section and on the servers of oodrive Sign.